and this is why i hate winter, so we finally get our first snowfall here , looks like we’re getting a seasons worth in a day. i start to settle for a day spent in the comfort of a nice warm home, with loads of work to do in it. no venturing out means i don’t have to shovel.

happy me! yays!

“not so fast says the cold winter , remember , you’re in hell”

not soon after running a small pot of coffee and venturing in the laundry room did i notice something wrong.

“ok” i thought, the washer is in the fitz and has stopped dead in the middle of filling up, at times i have to wait and start it back up again. yes , i live a life of luxury, you don’t want to know the state of my dryer , but hey eventually both get the job done.

but things don’t stop there , the lights are dimmer, the internet has gone and the box has started blaring its alarm at me , “WTF is going on?”

so the situation now is this:

venturing from room to room i either have low lights to no lights to no problem, and in a chaotic fashion , the heaters have all gone, home is getting colder, fridge is not working , no hot water , no stove…. but the internet has returned , phone has stayed the same but the tvs all have a mind of their own , they work they don’t work…

electric company is sending another team in, “did they say it was going to be today at least???” its a transistor problem. so while the fridge and freezer go to the shits, the lights all act like their christmas lights, and the house is slowly turning igloo , we wait , and wait

meanwhile , a friend has boarded a morning flight to cancun and for once , because this doesn’t happen often , as i’m always thankful for what i have and never forget things can be worse , but for once, i am envious.

i spend all of winter with tense muscles because of the cold, i’m a stubborn unmedicated anemic so winter is very painful, still part of me is happy for the friend and look forward to wonderful pics of the vacation.

its getting dark, and i dont thing the electric company do any work in the dark…

guess i’ll have to settle for warm thoughts, child is home, safe

mother has been resting under my advice , lil cold but , safe

now to wait for husband , feed family take care of the various animals and dream of a warm, hot, bubbly bath…


4 thoughts on “SO FAR, THIS SUCKS

  1. joliesattic says:

    You poor thing. I feel for you. I love winters where it snows but yes, everything needs to be working right for me to truly enjoy it.
    Unless, of course you’re completely solar, which I’ve had as well, but then you need to be tucked in by 8:00 pm or you freeze to death when power begins to fade. To be honest, my solar experience was only on hut trips in remote mountains not solar as we have it in the burbs.


  2. elmediat says:

    Hope things are improving. Not sure of your geographic location, we’re hitting -20Celsius tonight, may the heat be with you. Remember, winter is there to remind us spring is coming, early signs of spring are some of the best parts of winter.
    Many thanks for visiting my blog. 🙂


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